Music Legend Jon Fishman steps up to support Ranked Choice Voting

Portland, Maine – Rock legend, drummer, lyricist and vocalist Jon Fishman of Phish will hold a meet and greet and help gather signatures for Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) this weekend at Bayside Bowl in Portland. Fishman is taking part in one of the largest signature gathering efforts in Maine’s history with just a few weeks left to collect 61,123 signatures for the People’s veto.

In November of 2016 people voted by an overwhelming majority to implement RCV. In October of 2017 the legislature voted to delay and repeal RCV. The only recourse was the People’s Veto and the signature gathering campaign currently underway.

Fishman said, “When people speak as loudly as they did during the election in 2016 about the importance of their democracy we need to stand up, take notice and do something about it. It is not okay to ignore the will of the people. There was no question I was going to help anyway I could to get these signatures so Maine voters are not ignored. Maine people have said loudly and clearly – they want RCV.”

Campaign Manager Kyle Bailey said, “Jon Fishman joins some 1600 volunteers who have been working around the clock to gather these signatures. We couldn’t have gotten this far without all hands-on deck. His presence speaks to the seriousness of all people wanting a democracy that works.”

Fishman will be at Bayside Bowl in Portland from 3:00 – 6:00 PM on Sunday, January 14, 2018.