Poland Spring Associates Provide a Helping Hand for Their Neighbors This Holiday Season

Community organizations and residents in Poland, Hollis, Kingfield, Fryeburg, Denmark, and northern Maine receive assistance through associate-driven efforts


POLAND SPRING, Maine, December 20, 2018 – Poland Spring associates from the Poland, Hollis, and Kingfield bottling facilities helped spread holiday cheer in their communities this season by supporting local families in need.

“Each year, our team of dedicated associates goes above and beyond to support local charities in their communities to help families have a brighter holiday,” said Heather Printup, Community Relations Manager for Poland Spring. “Poland Spring associates don’t do this because they have to; they do this because they understand the importance of giving back and being good neighbors.”

In Poland, associates donated a total of 40 turkeys to the Lifesprings program and the Gray Food Pantry. They also fulfilled the holiday wishes of five local families through the Giving Tree program at Poland Community School. Additionally, Poland Spring held a food drive to benefit the Regional School Unit 16 (RSU 16) Mannafed Backpack Program, along with a water donation and clothing drive to benefit the Poland Food Bank.

Associates at Poland Spring’s Hollis facility donated 120 turkeys and two truckloads of food to support Thanksgiving meal service at the Hollis Food Pantry, and continued the season of giving with the purchase of gifts to help two families in need through the Town of Hollis.

At Poland Spring’s central Maine facility in Kingfield, associates participated in the annual Giving Tree Program, which provides winter clothing and toys to children in need from Kingfield Elementary School. Associates also continued to provide meals to senior citizens through the Bridging the Gap program, which associates have done each month this year.

These efforts are just a few among many in which Poland Spring is involved in helping to make the holidays brighter for local families in need. Other noteworthy charitable efforts in which Poland Spring is actively engaged, include donating $5,000 to Fryeburg’s Community Giving Tree program. These funds helped provide winter clothing to families in the Maine School Administrative District 72 communities of Fryeburg, Denmark, Lovell, Stow, Sweden, Brownfield, and Stoneham. Poland Spring also supported heating assistance programs benefitting thousands of residents in the towns of Lincoln, Passadumkeag, Enfield, Howland, and Denmark.

“We are grateful for Poland Spring’s generosity and support for residents of our community who are most in need of help,” said Jim McKay from the Hollis Food Pantry. “Thanks to their efforts, many families here and elsewhere throughout the state will have a better holiday season.”


About Poland Spring

Established in 1845, Poland Spring® Brand 100% Natural Spring Water has invested in Maine and created jobs using an abundant, renewable resource. The brand, part of Nestlé Waters North America Inc., operates three Maine bottling plants in Poland, Hollis and Kingfield. Additionally, Poland Spring maintains spring sources in Fryeburg, Poland, Dallas Plantation, Poland Spring, Pierce Pond Township, Kingfield, Denmark, Hollis and Lincoln, Maine. Poland Spring also:

  • Employs nearly 900 full-time and seasonal workers across the state, contributing nearly $49 million to the economy in annual payroll;

  • Spends over $135 million directly with other Maine companies each year; and

  • Invested over $7 million in community giving since 2000 to support schools, local non-profits, fire and rescue, environmental conservation, and many other local and statewide causes.