Branding & Positioning

The Knight Canney Group Featured In The Best Of Portland 2018

The Knight Canney Group confidently solves tough problems, offering communications strategy and counsel to a variety of clients including corporations, industry groups, higher education institutions, and non-profits. among others. They offer a full range of public relations services, including strategic communications, traditional media relations, spokesperson training & crisis communications.

Thought Leadership in the Age of Fake News

BFelicia Knight

One of the traditionally best routes to positive brand identity, media exposure, and best of all—public trust, is if the founder, CEO, or public face of an entity you represent is, or has the potential to be, what we call a “thought leader.”

“Thought leader” is a jargon-y term, somewhat overused, but succinctly descriptive. A thought leader is a trusted expert in his/her field, often called upon to discuss innovation, best practices, or even the future of said field.


Five Christmas Clichés to Send Over the River and…You Know

By Felicia Knight

We get it. It’s a busy time of year. You may be trying to get everything done so you can take time off over the holidays. Or maybe the client is insisting on a “funny parody” to promote an event or product. Whatever it is that’s pushing you toward any of these clichés, resist—and instead insist on a little more imagination.


Is the Kim Kardashian Brand in Trouble?

By Felicia Knight

What does it mean when a popular brand is in distress and a considerable percentage of public response ranges from “It’s probably a publicity stunt” to “That’s what you get for showing off?”

As we all know now, Kim Kardashian, at whose PR savvy we have previously marveled, was recently the victim of an armed robbery while in Paris for Fashion Week.
