
Five Christmas Clichés to Send Over the River and…You Know

By Felicia Knight

We get it. It’s a busy time of year. You may be trying to get everything done so you can take time off over the holidays. Or maybe the client is insisting on a “funny parody” to promote an event or product. Whatever it is that’s pushing you toward any of these clichés, resist—and instead insist on a little more imagination.

Is the Kim Kardashian Brand in Trouble?

By Felicia Knight

What does it mean when a popular brand is in distress and a considerable percentage of public response ranges from “It’s probably a publicity stunt” to “That’s what you get for showing off?”

As we all know now, Kim Kardashian, at whose PR savvy we have previously marveled, was recently the victim of an armed robbery while in Paris for Fashion Week.

American Airlines’ PR Campaign: It’s Not Us. It’s YOU.

By Felicia Knight

There’s no denying that travel on most U.S. air carriers brings out the worst in all of us. We’re not proud, but there it is.

Admit it. You’ve seen the family with the screaming child in the boarding area for your flight and thought, “Please, please, please, don’t let them be seated near me.” Or you’ve cursed the kiosk and paid the extra $18 to $25 dollars to get into Group 1 boarding in the hope of snagging some prime overhead space for your roll-aboard. Or maybe you’ve even kicked the seat in front of you as the occupant “reclines” the full three inches, shoving your tray table into your thighs.

Reputation Management and Why Words Matter, Even (More) in a Digital Age

By Felicia Knight

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, there are roughly 228,132 words in the English language. This includes about 47,000 that are no longer in widespread use.

With so many to choose from, you’d think those in the public eye would choose more carefully. Especially considering the forever-ness of anything uttered or written in this digital age.

Truths and Myths About Online Reviews

By Felicia Knight

Corporate image building is like filling out your data sheet at the doctor’s. But instead of again reminding your primary care physician that you’re allergic to NyQuil, always wear a seatbelt, and have no family history of the vapors, you’re reinforcing in your customers’ minds what makes your business compelling.