Media Relations

Anticipation: The Ultimate Tool in Crisis Management

There’s a scene near the end of the movie Gosford Park, (Julian Fellowes’s precursor to Downton Abby), where the character of Mrs. Wilson, the housekeeper, explains what it is that “a good servant has that separates them” from the others:

“It’s the gift of anticipation…I know when they’ll be hungry, and the food is ready. I know when they’ll be tired, and the bed is turned down. I know it before they know it themselves.”

Top 5 Crisis Management & PR Lessons the Super Bowl Has Taught Us

By Felicia Knight

As Super Bowl 50 approaches, we thought, “Who doesn’t love a good sports analogy?” (Hey, at least we didn’t go with Groundhog Day.)

In truth, Super Bowl season is a time of hype and hyperbole. Everyone has great expectations for their team, their favorite players, the commercials, even the food. People who don’t know Cam Newton from Cam Tucker at least are looking forward to some great seven-layer dip and Doritos.

Why Should I Hire a Public Relations Firm?

By Felicia Knight

A couple of years ago, American Greetings issued a web video that went viral. A fake advertisement was placed for a position that required 24/7 commitment to “the associate,” able to do a lot of heavy lifting and bending, a degree in medicine and finance, as well as an ability to cook, clean, and drive a car. Of course, the position, already held by billions of people, was “a Mom.”